For Immediate Release
(Littleton, MA) May 12, 2021 – Mechanical Advantage 6328, Littleton Robotics’ high school FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC) team, finished the 2021 virtual competition season with substantial student learning experiences despite the COVID-19 restrictions, a regional and international ranking, and five technical and business awards.
For the 2021 season, FIRST pivoted to an “At Home” competition season by providing high school FRC teams with three options for competitions. Mechanical Advantage 6328 chose to compete in two of the three options – Infinite Recharge@Home (speed/accuracy driving challenges and technical design for the traditional robot) and Game Design (design and present a potential new FRC game).
Mechanical Advantage 6328’s 2021 competitions culminated in the following results:
- New England Championship Chairman’s Award and New England District Chairman’s Award, FIRST’s most prestigious award
- Skills Competition Winner, Infinite Recharge@Home (Neon group)
- Excellence in Engineering Award, Infinite Recharge@Home (Neon group)
- Engineering Design Award, Game Design (Germanium group)
Mechanical Advantage 6328 will now be invited to compete virtually for the Chairman’s Award at the World Championships in June. Judges decide the Chairman’s Award based on a team’s history of commitment to community engagement and support of STEM education and advocacy for all ages, recognizing a team that is a role model for embodying FIRST’s goal of inspiring future science and technology leaders and encouraging more of today’s students to enter STEM-related careers.
For the 2021 virtual competition season, FIRST did not officially rank Infinite Recharge@Home skills competition scores between individual groupings of 30 teams. The FIRST community, however, used their own skill set to create the algorithms providing unofficial cross-group rankings. In those unofficial rankings, Mechanical Advantage 6328 was ranked #1 in the New England District out of 176 FRC teams, and #11 globally out of more than 1400 FRC teams.
“As a team mentor, I am completely blown away by our students’ commitment to participating in this virtual competition season that looks nothing like anything they’ve ever done before,” said David Powers, Lead Technical Mentor for Mechanical Advantage 6328. “When faced with the barriers put up by the pandemic, these students got creative and planned out how to get the work done through online meetings and carefully scheduled robot work done by very small groups. That kind of adaptability is a core value of FIRST and our program and provides the real-world engineering experience necessary for tomorrow’s technology leaders.”
Mechanical Advantage 6328 is recruiting new student team members. Students and families are invited to an outdoors Open House on Sunday, May 23 at 3pm at the team’s workshop on the campus of Patriot Beverages (20 Harvard Road, Building D) in Littleton to learn more. The team is governed by a private non-profit organization and open to 8th-12th graders in all local communities.
For more information, please contact info@littletonrobotics.org or visit the team’s website at littletonrobotics.org. Follow along with the team on social media on Facebook (Mechanical Advantage), Twitter (@FRC6328), or Instagram (@FRC6328).
About FIRST®
Accomplished inventor Dean Kamen founded FIRST® (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) in 1989 to inspire an appreciation of science and technology in young people. Based in Manchester, N.H., FIRST designs accessible, innovative programs to build self-confidence, knowledge, and life skills while motivating young people to pursue opportunities in science, technology, and engineering. With support from over 200 of the Fortune 500 companies and more than $25 million in college scholarships, the not-for-profit organization hosts the FIRST® Robotics Competition for students in Grades 9-12; FIRST®Tech Challenge for Grades 7-12; FIRST® LEGO® League for Grades 4-8; and FIRST® LEGO® League Jr. for Grades K-4. Gracious Professionalism® is a way of doing things that encourages high-quality work, emphasizes the value of others, and respects individuals and the community. To learn more about FIRST, go to www.firstinspires.org.