Blog Introduction

Team 6328, Mechanical Advantage, from Littleton, MA is comprised of 43 students and 18 mentors. This will be the teams 4th season competition and the team is set out this season to double the number of banners currently hanging in the shop.

This season, 6328 will be competing at Northern CT, Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada, and Greater Boston district events. The overall team perspective is to build a simple and effective robot for our week 1 event, then add upgrades over the course of the next 4 weeks to run at Greater Boston week 5. This strategy will prevent us from over-reaching during the build season and put us in a position to put a major focus on driver practice prior to our week 1 event.

Team Structure

In order to best utilize all of our teams resources, we’ve developed a team structure to get as many students involved in the project as possible as well as utilizing the more senior students to lead the newer students. Over the summer the mentors sat down with each student to help them pick a main sub-team they would be interested in supporting as well as a secondary sub-team for when things are slow on their main sub-team. Below is the list of sub teams that have a sub-team captain and at least 3 students.

  • Electrical
  • Programming
  • Media
  • CAD/Design
  • Assembly and Purchasing
  • Manufacturing
  • Scouting Systems
  • Strategy

After developing this structure, we divided the mentors up to work with the student team leads to best keep all the students involved and drive the project. 

Build Season Schedule

The team will be meeting on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 5:30P till 9:30P and 9A till 9P on Saturdays. Week 1 will be prototyping focused, week 2 and 3 will be heavily CAD driven, week 4 and 5 are manufacturing and assembly, week 6 till competition are driver practice and maintenance training as well as other event preparations. 

In-between competitions, we will be meeting on the same schedule to work on secondary revisions for the robot. The hope is to win early to punch our ticket to worlds so we can start working on the Detroit revision of the robot. 

This year, 6328 is fully committed to being completely transparent throughout our entire build and competition season. We will be working to post daily updates on our blog on our website as well as in our Chief Delphi build thread.

The build thread will be the easiest way to communicate with us and ask questions, offer suggestions. We’re encouraging this communication and welcome it completely!

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