2024 - Crescendo

2024 marked the 8th competition season for FRC 6328! How have so many years gone by already? For the third year in a row, we ended the season advancing to the highest level of competition at the World Championship, ending the season as a semifinalist on the “Einstein” field at Worlds with our “Hopper” division winning alliance (6328, 4481, 9072, and 2370) as one of eight division level winners. Even more important, we brought in 23 new students to our FRC team and helped grow Open Alliance to more than 130 teams this season!
- Division Winner, Hopper Division, World Championship
- Autonomous Award, Hopper Division, World Championship
- Judges Award, Richardson Division, New England District Championship
- Engineering Inspiration Award, Granite State District Event
- Event Finalist, Granite State District Event
- Event Winner, North Shore District event
- Quality Award, North Shore District event
2023 - Charged Up

Our seventh competition season was a truly thrilling ride from start to finish! By the end of the season at the World Championship in Houston, TX we were the division winners (“Archimedes” division) and once again playing on the Einstein field with the seven other division winners. Our team was honored to play on that field with the best-of-the-best in the world for the second time in back-to-back years. We are even more proud of the growth of our Open Alliance in the 2023 season with more than 90 teams participating from around the globe!
- New England District Impact Award, Rhode Island District event
- Event Winner, Rhode Island District Event
- Autonomous Award, WPI District Event
- New England Championship Impact Award, New England District Championship
- New England District Championship Division Finalist, Wilson Division, New England District Championship
- Division Winner, Archimedes Division, World Championship
- Innovation in Control Award, Archimedes Division, World Championship
2022 - Rapid React

Littleton Robotics is very excited with the results of our sixth FRC Season (and return to in-person competition) in 2022! We ended the season advancing to the highest level of competition at the World Championship for our technical and business teams. We had the unprecedented opportunity to play on the “Einstein” field at Worlds with our alliance as one of six division level winners, which was incredibly exciting, and were awarded the Gracious Professionalism award for our work with the Open Alliance. However, the most significant win of the 2022 season was the intense student learning experience as the team navigated a return to in-person work after nearly two years away, with new students making up nearly half the team, and our dedication to an open build season focused on expanding our interactions and two-way conversations with FRC teams around the globe.
- Chairman’s Award, Greater Boston District event
- New England Championship Chairman’s Award, New England District Championship
- Engineering Inspiration Award, Granite State District Event
- Event Winner, Granite State District Event
- Event Winner, Greater Boston District event
- Division Winner, Roebling Division, World Championship
- Gracious Professionalism Award, Roebling Division, World Championship
We were also proud to return to our third season with the Open Alliance program on Chief Delphi, where we and 40+ other teams conducted an open build season and shared our processes and decisions all along the way. We thank the other teams that contributed to the open alliance and truly feel that it helped us be a better team.
2021 - Infinite Recharge@Home

A (Mostly) Virtual Competition Season
For 2021, FIRST provided FRC teams with three optional virtual challenges for the competition season. Mechanical Advantage 6328 opted for two of the challenges – Game Design, which asked teams to use the engineering design process to create their own unique FRC-style game, and Infinite Recharge@Home, in which teams record and submit videos of their robot performing speed and accuracy challenges in a variety of obstacle courses.
The team spent the summer and fall of 2020 developing and delivering internal training programs in preparation for the 2021 season, including technical training such as CAD/Design, Programming, and Manufacturing. Additionally, the team focused on student training for critical business team development such as Sponsor Outreach, Leadership Skills, and Project Management. All of these skills were put to work as soon as the competition season began in early January 2021 when our students really showed how they could adapt and learn in new and different ways.
The Game Design team (working entirely virtually) dreamed up, prototyped, and documented Malware Mayhem, in which alliances team up to protect against a malware attack from the anti-STEM organization LAST and save future FRC game design files.
The team made the critical decision to re-use the robot designed for the 2020 season, with minor improvements, instead of building a brand-new robot designed for the 2021 challenges. This allowed time to optimize performance rather than figuring out how to build a robot with very limited in-person work.
So, the software team got to work automating ball shooting accuracy and shaving tenths of seconds off autonomous obstacle course paths, and the drive team put in hours and hours of practice to perfect the driving courses. We even had a bit of friendly competition between the drivers and software team to see who could get faster times on the same courses! The students really pushed themselves, and the robot, to the limit of what was possible.
We continued the Open Alliance program on Chief Delphi, where we conducted an open build season and shared our processes, designs, code, and decisions all along the way. We feel fortunate to be able to continue this project even though many of the other teams involved last year had to halt work for 2021 because of the pandemic. We are hopeful they will be able to join us again for the 2022 season.
- Engineering Design Award, Game Design (Germanium Group)
- Excellence in Engineering Award and Skills Competition Winner, Infinite Recharge@Home (Neon Group)
- District Chairman’s Award and District Championship Chairman’s Award
Unofficially (because FIRST ranks only within the competition group of ~30 teams, and not across groups), our skills competition scores ranked us #1 in New England among 176 teams, and #11 globally among 1400+ teams.
2020 - Infinite Recharge

COVID-19 ended up defining the 2020 season.
2020 was Mechanical Advantage 6328’s 4th season. We were excited to see what we could accomplish with no Bag Day for the first time! However, the season was abruptly shut down in mid-March with the arrival of the coronavirus pandemic that disrupted the entire globe.
We were scheduled to compete in the Northern CT District, Carleton District (an inter-district competition in Ottawa, Ontario), and Greater Boston District. We were fortunate to be able to actually compete in the Northern CT District event early in March, where we were the 3rd seed alliance caption. We made it all the way through playoffs to the finals, where we lost to an amazing alliance.
We were also part of piloting the Open Alliance program on Chief Delphi, where we and several other teams conducted an open build season and shared our processes and decisions all along the way. We thank the other teams that contributed to the open alliance and truly feel that it helped us be a better team.
- New England District Chairman’s Award, Northern CT District event
- New England Championship Chairman’s Award, New England District Championship
- Event Finalist, Northern CT District Event
2019 - Destination: Deep Space

Mechanical Advantage 6328 completed our third season in 2019 at the World Championship in Detroit! Our team qualified for the World Championship after competing at the Granite State District, Western New England District, and Central Mass District events. We also competed for, and won, the Engineering Inspiration award at the New England District Championship. Our team brought home 6 awards and two blue banners in the 2019 season.
After the 2018 FRC competition season, 6328 ran a summer FLL training program, this time based on FIRST PowerUP!, to give middle school students experience with what an FLL team is like. 6328 then ran coached and mentored three FLL teams in Littleton for the 2018 Into Orbit season, with FRC mentors and students running all meetings and directly mentoring all FLL teams, and helped several FLL Jr teams. We also hosted our first FLL Qualifier in December 2018.
- Engineering Inspiration Award, Granite State District Event
- Engineering Inspiration Award, New England District Championships
- Gracious Professionalism Award, Western New England District Event
- Event Winner, Western New England District Event
- Innovation in Control Award, Central New England District Event
- Event Winner, Central New England District Event
2018 - Power UP!

Mechanical Advantage 6328 finished out our second season in 2018 at the World Championship in Detroit! Our team qualified for the World Championship through our performance at the SE Mass District, Rhode Island District and New England District Championship events. Our team brought home 5 awards and two coveted blue banners in 2018.
After the last FRC competition season, 6328 started a summer FLL training program to give middle school students experience with what an FLL team is like. 6328 then ran coached and mentored three FLL teams in Littleton for the 2017 season, with FRC mentors and students running all meetings and directly mentoring all FLL teams.
- Chairman’s Award, SE Mass District Event
- Judges Award, New England District Championships
- Entrepreneurship Award, Rhode Island District Event
- Event Winner, Rhode Island District Event
2017 - Steamworks

Mechanical Advantage 6328 completed our rookie season in 2017 at the World Championship in St. Louis! Our team qualified for the World Championship through our performance at the Granite State District, Southern New Hampshire District and New England District Championship events. Our team brought home 5 awards and a coveted blue banner in 2017, and ranked 10th overall in New England out of nearly 200 teams.
- Rookie All Star Award, New England District Championships
- Rookie All Star Award, Granite State District Event
- Highest Rookie Seed Award, Granite State District Event
- Event Winner, Southern NH District Event
- Rookie Inspiration Award, Southern NH District Event